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Hemorrhoids Tips

Hemorrhoids Do Not Have To Be A Permanant Problem

Brian Ferry Feb 2013


Soft stools can help you prevent hemorrhoids from manifesting, so try your best to make your stool soft so you won't have any problems. Whenever you have an urge to have a bowel movement, you should empty your bowels as soon as you can. Drinking plenty of water, exercising regularly and eating plenty of fiber is also highly recommended. The article below contains advice for the prevention and treatment of hemorrhoids.

Minor hemorrhoids can be dealt with by pushing them back into the anus. More severe hemorrhoids should not be treated in this way, but if you don't mind doing it for minor hemorrhoids, it can help. Hemorrhoids can be protected inside of your anus and they will be less likely to burn or itch.

Witch hazel is a helpful product to have around if you suffer from hemorrhoids. Witch hazel is an astringent and can be purchased from most supermarkets around. If you can't find it in a market, a pharmacy will definitely carry it. When the witch hazel is applied to the affected area, the astringent effect helps to reduce swelling and bleeding.

When you are treating hemorrhoids, it is important to use hygiene products that are free of dyes, essential oils and fragrances. Allowing the hemorrhoid to come in contact with substances like these for even a brief moment can bring on pain, stinging, and exacerbated swelling.

Taking homeopathic remedies like Venapro, which aims to improve the health of your colon and fight hemorrhoids naturally is another option to consider. This remedy has been around for many years and helped many people to successfully treat their hemorrhoids.

People who are suffering from hemorrhoids are advised to soak in a sitz bath following every bowel movement. These baths will help minimize the itchiness and irritation that can flare up after bowel movements. After getting out of the bath, it helps if you thoroughly dry the hemorrhoid and the surrounding area. Use a soft, clean towel and pat dry.

Fiber loaded foods will help soften stool, especially if you drink plenty of water. If your stool has been softened, there will be less strain during movements so that can help to stop hemorrhoids occurring. Good foods to keep your stools soft include fruits like watermelon and grapes, with high water content. You can also help soften stool by eating green, leafy vegetables such as cabbage. These fiber-rich foods naturally soften stool. Also, drinking enough water every day will help to keep your stools soft.

Water is a surprising and soothing treatment for hemorrhoids. A ten minute soaking of the rectal area in warm water can be followed by the application of a cold compress for maximum relief. A toilet bath can be useful for this, and can be found in many pharmacies.

Lifting heavy objects can be a factor in the development of hemorrhoids. The stress it can produce on the entire body equals that experienced when you strain to move your bowels. If you regularly lift heavy objects and have recurring hemorrhoids, find ways to avoid doing this lifting.

If you aren't quite ready to go yet, don't sit down on the toilet until you are ready. A lot of people like to sit and read on the toilet, it actually causes you to strain. Be sure your urge to go is already present when you sit down, as gravity can also have an effect on hemorrhoids.

Witch hazel is very helpful for relieving discomfort, pain, and itching associated with hemorrhoids. This astringent shrinks the inflamed tissues, promoting healing and alleviating pain and itching. Put the witch hazel on a cotton ball, leaving it there for about five to ten minutes, or go with a sitz bath.

Resist scratching your hemorrhoids, no matter how much they itch. Itching is probably the most uncomfortable, frustrating symptom related to your hemorrhoids. It can be relieving to scratch your itchy hemorrhoids but this will just cause them to become irritated and heal slower. Use treatments to actually cure the problem instead of just placating the itch.

Squatting - instead of sitting on the seat during a bowel movement - will help you to not only ensure that you have an easier movement, but it will also help you to avoid hemorrhoid flare-ups. Of course, it will take a while to get used to. But after you begin squatting, you will find that you're experiencing fewer flare-ups due to less swelling and irritation.

If you aren't eating many vegetables and fruits, you should make sure to take fiber supplements. Spread the supplements out throughout the day and be sure to drink 64 ounces of water daily to avoid discomfort.

If you are feeling crampy and constipated, try going for a walk. You can make the process easier by walking for a few minutes before your trip to the bathroom. Doing this will help you to be able to avoid straining that is unnecessary and that often results in irritation of the hemorrhoids. Make your walk about 10-15 minutes and as brisk as you can.

As previously stated, the best way to avoid hemorrhoids is to keep your stools soft which will reduce straining and pressure. Adding more water and extra fiber to your diet can help. By following the advice in this article, you can help to ensure that hemorrhoid attacks do not occur as often.

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